If you’re selling your home and you’re wondering whether or not staging is worth the money, we’ve got some things to consider.  It’s not always an easy decision, and it doesn’t always include filling the home with furniture you have to pay for.

The short answer is yes, it’s worth the money to stage a home.

What is staging actually? Staging is a strategy realtors and homeowners use to prepare homes for sale. There are different levels of staging, and a real estate professional is the best source of information for staging to walk you through your options prior to listing or pricing your home. The pricing of a home is does take into consideration the condition the home is in when ready to sell.

Is the house totally empty?  If not empty does the house need to be repainted, for example? Are there options for furniture to be removed or brought in by a stager?  Does the home simply need accent pieces throughout?  Does it need to be decluttered?

The ultimate goal for staging is to decorate a home in a way that showcases its potential and helps buyers imagine themselves living there.  This is why decluttering and neutralizing the space is so important given it creates a blank canvas and helps buyers visualize themselves living in the space.

The right type of staging has proven time over time that it can increase your chances of selling your house faster and for more money.  Why is that?  Many buyers have a hard time envisioning a space without furniture. They may have an idea of what they’d like but they need to see how it looks in the space so that they can imagine themselves living there.   Staging a property creates a welcoming environment.

So why do so many people still believe that staging doesn’t work? The reason is simple: most people have seen homes that have been staged — but few have seen them without furniture or accessories! Staged homes look clean, crisp and welcoming — which is exactly what most buyers want! That’s why it’s so important for homeowners to speak to a real estate professional and understand their options prior to listing and marketing their home.

As for a stager recommendation, real estate agents have a network of stagers that they have worked with in the past and can recommend someone who is experienced and reliable. They can also provide you with a list of stagers that they have worked with and their contact information, and help choose a stager that can work within your budget.

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